An easy to use todo application, with powerful reports, aimed to boost productivity
- Next.js
- NextAuth
- PostgreSQL
- Supabase
- Prisma
- React Query
- Vercel
An educational platform with over 10K students
- Next.js
- TailwindCSS
- React-Query
- Next-INTL
- Blazingly fast with a 100% score on gtmatrix and lighthouse
- Using server components to reduce the bundle size and improve the performance
- All client-side interactions are handled by React-Query queries and mutations
- Dark and light themes
- Multiple languages support with Next-INTL
Film Net2022
A VOD platform with over 1 million users.
- Next.js
- Emotion
- swr
- jest
- React-Testing-Library
- Using ISR to improve the performance of the website
- Complete test coverage with jest and React-Testing-Library